1st session 50 €:
· Evaluation
· Weight contraol
· 1st free training session
Monitoring: 35 €

1st session 75 €:
· Evaluation
· Weight control
· 1st free training session
Monitoring: 45 €
Our nutrition specialist will solve and help you achieve your goals, whether it’s losing weight, maintaining a good tone or building muscle mass for sports.
With your first nutrition visit, you will receive a free training session in our center.
We offer you comprehensive weight control that includes measurements of parameters such as weight, fluid mass, lean mass, muscle mass, visceral mass, bone mass, basal metabolic rate, metabolic age and BMI. We will also evaluate the body composition in arms, legs and trunk.
Our personalized Nutrition Program will provide you with a weekly menu adapted to your personal tastes, lifestyle, family, working hours, pathologies and sports habits.
Going to a nutritionist does not mean going hungry or eating tasteless food. Stop living on a diet without results. Learn to eat well, enjoy food and achieve your goals easily.
Special rates
We help you fulfill your goals with our nutritional pack. Have your first visit and 4 monitoring sessions to get the most out of your plan.
In addition, we include the weight controls agreed with the nutritionist, which will help you maintain consistency between follow-up sessions. Save money and maximize your performance.
Don’t let a small stumble ruin your goals of improving your diet and body composition.
Now we also offer nutrition for two persons together. Try our duo pack and improve with your partner.

1st visit + 4 monitoring sessions
175 €
(35 €/sesión)
1st free training session
Weight control

Nutritional monitoring pack
5 monitoring sessions
150 €
(30 €/sesión)
1st free training session
Weight control

Nutritional pack
1st visit + 4 monitoring sessions
225 €
(45 €/sesión)
1st free training session
Weight control

Nutritional monitoring pack DUO
5 monitoring sessions
200 €
(40 €/sesión)
1st free training session
Weight control
About us

Amparo Saez
Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Expert course in child nutrition.
Click here to call
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Carrer Peu de la Creu, 3, bajo, 46001 - Valencia