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Wellness center run by a multidisciplinary team in training, physiotherapy, nutrition, podiatry and psychology.

fisioterapeuta valencia


Our physiotherapists will take care of improving your sore muscles and eliminating your contractures.

If you have been injured or need rehabilitation, they will take care of you in the most efficient way; using from manual therapy, to dry puncture, kinesiotape, tape, functional bandage, etc.


Have you been eating salads for a long time and do you feel the same? Do you diet and do not lose weight? When you go off the diet, do you quickly regain the lost weight?

If you feel identified with these questions, don’t wait any longer and put yourself in the hands of our nutritionist and you will learn to eat well.


Personalized training to adapt to your needs. We will get your muscles to regain strength and lost muscle mass, to regain balance, mobility and elasticity.

We can also help you if you are preparing for a competition.


Your feet are the foundation on which your body stands, so why do you suffer day after day? By keeping your feet healthy you will be able to lead a more active life, take long walks and combat a sedentary lifestyle.

Eliminate those calluses, calluses, nails or fungus that make walking a pain. Your nails and feet have to be well cared for.


If you don’t walk correctly, your joints (hip, knees, back, etc) can be affected.

For this reason, we carry out a footprint study and, if you need it, we make custom insoles so that you do not have discomfort when walking. You will avoid injuries and overloads, you will train more comfortably, etc.


Fco. Javier Romero

Fco. Javier Romero


Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Master in High Performance Sports from the Spanish Olympic Committee. Research training master’s degree. National Athletics Trainer Level 3. Triathlon Trainer Level 1.

Alba Romero

Alba Romero

Podiatrist and physiotherapist

Degree in Physiotherapy. Mulligan’s concept levels A and B. Neurodynamics in Clinical Practice. Specialist in neuromuscular bandages “Kinesiotape”. McConnell method: Australian method of evaluation and treatment. Assessment of musculoskeletal injuries in runners. Posturology. Approach in pathology associated with muscles. Podiatrist: Degree in Podiatry. Biomechanics, Assessment and Study of posture, gait and career.

Ignacio Ruipérez

Ignacio Ruipérez

Physiotherapist and trainer

Degree in Physiotherapy. Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Master in Valuation, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Sport. Neurodynamics in Clinical Practice.

Amparo Saez

Amparo Saez


Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Expert course in child nutrition.

Sara Saiz Sevilla

Sara Saiz Sevilla

General health psychologist

Degree in psychology and master’s degree in general health psychology from the University of Valencia. The expert course in functional analysis of human behavior. Training in intervention in anxiety disorders and eating disorders. Extensive experience in intervention in men with problems of violence.


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De conformidad con la normativa vigente y aplicable en protección de datos de carácter personal, le informamos que sus datos serán incorporados al sistema de tratamiento titularidad de FRANCISCO JAVIER ROMERO GARCIA con CIF 44883200B y domicilio social sito en C/ PIE DE LA CRUZ, Nº3-BAJO 46001, VALENCIA, y que a continuación se relacionan sus respectivas finalidades, plazos de conservación y bases legitimadoras. Para aquellos tratamientos que lo requieran, se informa también de la posible elaboración de perfiles y decisiones automatizadas, así como las posibles cesiones y las transferencias internacionales que FRANCISCO JAVIER ROMERO GARCIA tiene previsto realizar:– Finalidad: Atender sus consultas y/o solicitudes e Instalación de cookies– Plazo de conservación: mientras se mantenga el consentimiento prestado.– Base legítima: El consentimiento del interesado.De acuerdo con los derechos que le confiere la normativa vigente y aplicable en protección de datos podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, limitación de tratamiento, supresión (“derecho al olvido”), portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos de carácter personal así como la revocación del consentimiento prestado para el tratamiento de los mismos, dirigiendo su petición a la dirección postal C/ PIE DE LA CRUZ, Nº3-BAJO 46001, VALENCIA o al correo electrónico info@equilibriumcw.es. Podrá dirigirse a la Autoridad de Control competente para presentar la reclamación que considere oportuna.Los datos identificados con una marca (*) se entienden como campos obligatorios y requeridos, en consecuencia se entenderán como necesarios para acometer las finalidades mencionadas con anterioridadCon envío del formulario de recogida de datos usted acepta la política de privacidad de FRANCISCO JAVIER ROMERO GARCIA.

Carrer Peu de la Creu, 3, bajo, 46001 - Valencia


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